Monday, June 4, 2012

Faith Whispers

It's been awhile since I've written in this manner.  Too many times I've gotten caught up with my daily tasks.  Work.  Family.  Maintaining friendships.  Keeping a house running.  You know how it goes.

I left this my writing on this blog a year ago.  I had originally titled it "The Woman Who Prayed" because I thought that's what my focus needed to be...prayers.  I had so many ideas for things to write that I could barely keep up with my own thoughts.  I got overwhelmed with it all, and when I went back to work in August of last year, I chose to walk away from my writing.

I've felt the urge to write again for awhile now, but finding the time to do so is always hard.  Then I get caught in the all too familiar worry.  What if no one reads this?  Better yet.  What if no one LIKES this?

I chose to rename this blog "Faith Whispers" because it's where God led me.  It doesn't matter if no one reads my words.  It doesn't matter if I don't get a single compliment or comment.  What matters is that I listen to God's whispers and write when He tells me to about the things He wants me to.

So that's how "Faith Whispers" came about.  As you can see, I chose to leave up the writing I'd done previously because, well, writing is a journey, and the journey I was on last year has led me to this one.

If you're choosing to follow me on this journey, I would hope that you'd grant me patience.  I'm not quite sure where God is leading me with all of this, but when He whispered that I needed to get back to writing, I listened.  I hope this time I'll choose to continue listening to His whispers that way you'll have words to read!

Until the next whisper,

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