Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Are You Craving?

Don't tell my oldest son, but the reason we can never keep peanut butter in the house for very long is because of a mysterious event...

At random times throughout the day, my tummy starts rumbling.  It's like it literally starts talking to me.  Peanut butter. First as a whisper, one I try to ignore.  Then it becomes a roar.  PEANUT BUTTER!!!! 

I can't help it.  I MUST respond to the craving.  I sneak a spoon out of the drawer, quietly open the cupboard, pull out the peanut-buttery goodness, slip off the lid, and enjoy a few quiet moments of indulgence.  It's just me and the peanut butter.  Seriously.  It's the simple things in life, I tell you.  

The other day, while enjoying my peanut butter in peace, I looked out the window at the beauty that is my backyard and heard that whisper.  

What if you craved Me as much as you crave peanut butter?  What are you craving more of?

Dang it!  I'd been caught!

John, 6:35 says, "Jesus replied, 'I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.  Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

Lord, you just HAD to go there, didn't you?

I can honestly say that I AM craving more of Jesus, and I desperately want to know and understand Him more, but if I really am being honest here, then I have to admit that there are times I walk away from praying and reading my Bible for fear of becoming, "That crazy Christian Jesus Freak lady who no one wants to talk to."

What are you craving more of?

It's a question worth looking into.

Would I really rather indulge my cravings than be fed by the One who will ensure that I never go hungry again?

Would I really rather risk my strong walk with God in favor of a few moments of human indulgence?

What would YOU rather do?

I guess this is where being humble comes in.  I'd like to think that I read my Bible a lot (every morning when I start my day, every evening before I go to sleep, sometimes scattered throughout the day....well, that if all goes according to MY plan and I have the time to in between being wife and mom).  I'd like to think that I pray a lot, too.  I have conversations with Him all throughout the day.  And that, my friends, is where I see the problem lies.

What are you craving more of?


Did you see that schedule of the good little Christian girl up there?  Whose time table is that on?  Certainly not God's.  I'm guilty, so guilty of trying to fit God into the moments that I want Him to.

He wants ALL of me.  Not just the moments I'm willing to "sacrifice."

I crave more.  More time with Him when HE wants me to.  You know what that means?  More time on my knees (even if my children and husband are watching).  More time in my Bible (especially when my regular teaching gig starts back up in August).  More time honestly, heart-wrenchingly praying (even when my crazy-controlling-self KNOWS there is other work to be done).

More.  I crave MORE.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!  Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.  Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing." - Psalm 34:6-10

If I would just die to time...everything that I'm craving really WOULD be fulfilled.  Not on my time, but on God's time.

So, the next time I feel my tummy rumble and literally SPEAK to me that I need peanut butter, I'm going to CHOOSE to think about God instead.  And I'm going to CHOOSE to let Him fulfill me.

What are YOU craving more?

I hope you'll think about that today.  And when you're ready to, I hope you'll join me in seeking Jesus instead of anything else.  I bet you'll find yourself a heck of a lot more fulfilled through Him than through anything else you have been filling yourself up.  Who cares if you really ARE that Crazy Christian Jesus Freak lady?  You certainly won't be alone, cause I'll be right there beside you!

Until the next whisper,


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