Thursday, May 26, 2011

God Knows Best

My son crumpled to the airport floor in a sobbing heap when the ticket agent said, "I'm sorry, but you can't fly today."  Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in the Midwest had made for dangerous flying conditions, and my flights to various locations were cancelled.  I leaned over the desk and whispered, "I'm just trying to get to my mom's house.  Is there any other way we can go?"

The answer was simple, "Not today."

What could I do for my five-year-old crying boy but try to come up with a consolation prize as we hauled the luggage back out to the car for the drive home?  "Noah, how bout a Chick-fil-a milkshake for the drive?  Would that work?"  He looked up at me through the tears and smiled, "Can it be cookies and cream?"

My thoughts exactly.

After loading the bags back in the car and cranking up the A/C for the drive, Noah began saying things like, "That lady was mean, Momma.  She doesn't want me to see my Nene today."  Wow.  What perspective for a child.  Along the drive I tried explaining to him about the dangerous weather, that the lady at the ticket counter is NOT mean, and how God is just making sure that we're safe.  And then he said it,  "God doesn't want me to see my Nene, Momma?  That's even worse."

Once again a simple answer was all that would suffice, "Not today."

While driving home I was fully frustrated, even though the cookies and cream milkshake tasted awfully good.  The day had been complete chaos, and now I had to go home, pick up the dogs from the boarder, and make phone calls to figure out alternate plans.  I'll admit it; I didn't even think it was worth it.  I was beaten, and though I knew the battle was not a big one in the grand scheme of things, I was frustrated that MY plans didn't work out the way that I planned.

Bingo.  They're my plans.  Not HIS.

That drive along the Interstate back home was what I needed.  Just as the road curved around trees and over rivers, God laid out the rest of the day for me.  I'd need to stop at a friend's house to update her of the change, pick up the dogs, make my phone calls, and figure out plan B.

God always knows what's best for me.

The simple answer of "not today" lead me to ask Him, the Great Planner, "What exactly am I supposed to do today?"  As usual, God is always faithful, and He always provides.

That stop at a friend's house led me to receiving some great news about my husband.  Picking up the dogs from the boarder led me to an opportunity to minister to the owner about God's ultimate timing.  Making phone calls to various travel agencies and airlines led me to the kindest customer service agent of the day who ended our call with, "Good luck and God bless you."  Coming home led me to picking up my son's pictures from a recent photo shoot and a much needed healing phone call to a friend I hadn't spoken to in awhile.

The best moment of all, though, was when I called my mom.  "Emily, God works all things for his glory," she said.  "He led you to some great moments, and best of all...some roads are opening back up even after all the flooding.  He just needed time to get this place ready for you."

God spoke through my mom at that moment, and I cried.

God, my plans are not Your plans, but Your plans are always so much better.  Thank you for taking the reins away from me today, and giving me some wonderful gifts and opportunities.  Please remind me of this the next time that I think I know so much better than You.  No matter what, Your plans for me are infinitely more wonderful  and more perfect than I could ever imagine.  Thank You for loving me that much.

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